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What difference does the resurrection make to Christians? Planning and resources year 5 enquiry 4

What difference does the resurrection make to Christians? Planning and resources year 5 enquiry 4

A unit of work with resources to deliver the enquiry 4 year 5 unit of RE work from the Norfolk agreed Syllabus Includes 6 lessons to cover a half term Selection of PowerPoints, word documents and PDF worksheets to go with each learning objective. Covers: I can talk about celebrations I have been part of and why they are important. I can compare the different Gospel accounts of the death and resurrection of Jesus. I can retell the events of Luke 24 – ‘The walk to Emmaus’ and identify the evidence for the resurrection. I can talk about how Christians celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday in different ways to express their beliefs. I can explore the themes of new life and sacrifice in the context of Easter, gaining a deeper understanding of the significance of the festival. I can describe the significance of resurrection and how it shapes how Christians see the world and others.